Need to get your blog up and running quickly?
In Just 2 Days, I Can Hand You the Keys to Your Own Beautiful, Professionally Built
Save Time & Get Started on Your Business Faster!
Get Your Blog Up and Running Fast So That You Can...

Hi. My name is Dairrell Ham, and I design and build great looking blogs for entrepreneurs like you who need a professional web presence but don't have the time or don't WANT to do it themselves.
Did you know that most self-built blogs never get off the ground?
That’s because most people get stuck trying to figure out how to do stuff.
They end up Googling how-to articles, watching videos and visiting forums, wasting a lot of their valuable time trying to put it all together before getting frustrated and quitting altogether.
Realistically, how many people have the time, technical expertise and creativity to create a functional, professional-looking blog out of thin air?
Setting up a professional blog is harder than you think. Just take a look at what's REALLY involved:
Which is why I created a personalized service to design, build and optimize a unique blog that will give you a professional web presence and build your brand.
So Why Should You Use MY Service?
I've been building blogs for years, and for the past six years, I've been building blogs for a well-known online company. You probably know their name and their products well. I can't mention their name here due to contractual obligations, but suffice to say I've created hundreds of blogs for their customers.
That means their name and reputation are on the line every time I create a new blog for their valuable and trusting customers.
So I'm honored with their trust and I work hard to make sure each blog meets their high standards.
And after 350+ total blogs delivered (my own customers too), I know what it takes to build and deliver a blog that you'll be thrilled to own.
The bottom line is, I can do it faster than you can do it yourself. You'll be up and running without all of the headaches, time and money it will cost you if you try to do it yourself.
Here's Everything That's Included in My
Fast Start DONE FOR YOU Blog Package:

I Build This Just For You. 7 Custom Designs to Choose From, Each With a Choice of 5 Blog Post Layouts
($399 Value)

This is where people really get stuck. You need a "front end" for your blog, or what's known as a "theme". And there are thousands and thousands of themes available to choose from. That alone can be overwhelming. And if you get a good quality one, you'll need to pay for it.
I eliminate all the headaches for you by using one of the best, high-quality framework themes on the market. Then I work my magic on it and create a beautiful, custom look just for your business.
You'll never have to worry about your theme being outdated since I pay a license fee to keep it current and updated for every WordPress version.
I also offer you 7 choices of designs for your blog, as well as a choice of FIVE layouts for your blog posts. (You choose the color or use the one I created.)
There's no right or wrong answer. Just choose what looks good to you and I'll do all the design work to make it look great to your visitors!
You can even choose the layout of your blog from 5 popular options: Large Featured Image, Small Featured Image, Grid Layout, Hero Image with Grid Layout and Magazine. (Click the links for examples on one of my demos near the bottom of this page. Each of my Demos have the 5 example layouts too.)
I add in a lot of little extras, like design elements that you can easily add to your article content to draw attention with things like boxes, icons, testimonials, line dividers and more.
I also focus on little things like margin spacing, font spacing and page width to make sure your blog is not only eye-pleasing but easy for your visitors to read and navigate around.

Make Your Site Stand Out With My Professional Branding & Custom Logo Design ($250 Value)

Don't risk your business reputation on some $5 gig site that uses cheesy public domain images.
If you don't have the skills to do this, let someone else who's experienced in this do it for you so that you can move on quickly to getting content on your site and start earning money from it. I'll do this step for you as part of your package.
Over the years, I've seen people waste a huge amount of time on this step, trying to create the perfect logo themselves. Let me do that for you!
I specialize in simple but professional-looking logos that help convey your business concept to your visitors.
I've designed hundreds of logos over the years and I often get it right on the first try. I'll match the color to your blog design and choose a font that works well for your business idea.
I'll make sure the final product suits you and the brand of your site. And just to make sure I get it right, I offer three revisions at no extra charge to make sure I get it the way you want it.

Keep Your Credit Card in Your Pocket. I Pay for Yearly Premium Software and Plugin Fees ($700/yr Value)

I don't go throwing money around, but I do believe in paying for high-quality, well-supported premium plugins and software when called for.
That saves time and money in the long run and ensures that my customers get stable, secure websites that will always be updated and well-supported.
Your new blog will be running on a variety of supporting pieces of software to keep things running smooth and to make your blogging tasks as easy as point and click.
The premium software that I use requires yearly usage fees that cost me around $700/yr. That's what you would have to pay if you purchased the same software on your own.
I list all of the software that I use in your Member's area, so you'll be able to check that yourself and see that I'm not just giving you a sales pitch.
I'll take care of all of the fees associated with the premium software. The software will need to be updated periodically, but I even make that easy with an automated process that takes care of the updates for you.

I Make Sure Your Blog is Beautiful & Accessible to Every Mobile User
($150 Value)

According to CNBC, over 51% of Internet users are on mobile devices, so your site has to be responsive, meaning, that it can be viewed easily on a mobile or tablet device.
All of my designs are mobile-ready, so not only are your visitors happy, so is Google.
Proper mobile optimization goes beyond just having a theme that looks good on mobile. Extra time is needed to ensure that all other elements, like subscribe forms, images, backgrounds, etc, are also displaying properly on mobile devices.
These often require separate settings and adjustments to correctly display on mobile devices. My Demos page below lets you see each of my themes in Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile views so that you can the responsiveness built into each theme.

The Money is in Your List. I'll Build Your Custom Mailing List Subscription Forms For You.
($250 Value)

Here's another area that can be a real headache if you don't know what you're doing. It's hard enough just choosing a lead subscribe solution that works well in your blog, then you have to create attention-getting forms so your visitors will be interested in joining your mailing list.
You have to be part nerd and part creative to put something together that gets the attention of your visitors. Never fear... I'll do all of this for you.
I've tried virtually every solution available and I've narrowed it down to the best one for building your mailing list. It's another premium solution that I license so that you don't have to.
I'll even help you get your subscribe forms connected to your choice of autoresponder/email systems. (Don't worry. If you don't have one yet, I'll show where to get a service for free, and I'll recommend others that I've worked with.)
I'll create up to three different versions for you, sidebar widget subscribe form, end-of-post subscribe form and an exit-intent subscribe form (appears as your visitor moves their mouse to leave the page).
Another headache you don't have to worry about!

Need Content Quickly? I’ll Set You Up With Video Posts By Experts In Your Niche That Are Automatically Added For You On A Weekly Basis! ($199 Value)

Video content is in high demand and you can leverage the power of professionally created videos on your web site! You could do this manually, of course, grabbing YouTube links and setting up posts yourself. But I can do that for you automatically. Once it's set, you don't have to lift a finger to have top quality, professional video content displayed on your blog. Here's what you'll get:
- I'll Add Up To 50 Posts Added Immediately in the First Week
- Get 10-20 New Video Posts Added Each Week, Automatically. That's Over 500+ New Posts Per Year Added To Your Blog!
- You Choose The Recognized Experts In Your Niche (Or I'll Help You do That)
- Get Targeted Advertising For Products You Want to Promote On Every Video Post On Your Blog
- Add Your Own Written Content Too While My Automated Process is Adding the Video Posts

Leverage the Power of 2.2 Billion Social Media Users With My Professional Social Media Integration ($125 Value)

Social sharing is a powerful way to get more visitors to your site. But you have to make it easy for them to do it.
There are lots of solutions for adding social sharing buttons and icons to your blog, and many of those solutions are free. But like anything, you get what you pay for.
That's why I include a premium social sharing solution that I pay to license for my customers. It's one of the best products on the market and you'll be pleased with the professional and eye-catching design of the share buttons and follow me options.

Your Blog Visitors Expect Secure, Fast Loading Pages. I'll Do That For You.
($195 Value)

If you're going to have a blog online, you're going to have to make Google happy. Google wants your site fast, and they want it secure.
They make their money selling advertising and they don't want their advertisers unhappy with slow and unsecured sites that irritate visitors.
I use a mix of plugins and manually added code to your blog to make sure your visitors get fast loading, secure pages, which makes Google happy too.

Quickly Add Eye-Catching Elements to Your Posts and Pages With My Built-In Point-N-Click Shortcodes
($47 Value)

I mentioned earlier that I include a very powerful premium page builder that makes it easy to create custom pages and posts with drag and drop ease.
But sometimes, you may just want to add a quick button, or a text panel with a colored background, or icons, or a spacing divider, or a quick testimonial or other elements to your post or page.
You can do that by simply choosing a shortcode from a popup box and insert it directly into your post or page. There's a number of these to choose from and it makes adding custom, eye-catching elements to your page easily.

Forget About Paying Monthly Fees for a Funnel Builder or Page Builder. I Include One of the Best Page Builders on the Market in Your Package
($346 Value)

How would you like to build a page like the one you're viewing right now? You can, with the powerful drag and drop page builder that I'm including in this package.
It's the very same builder I used to create this page and it works seamlessly with the theme your site is built on. I even include over a dozen video tutorials to show you how to do that easily.
You can build your own sales pages, e-commerce store, testimonials page and more. I'll even include dozens of templates as starter pages and you just change the text and images!

Keep More Money in Your Pocket. I Pay the Web Hosting and Domain Name Fees for You
($175 Value)

Choosing a reliable, secure and fast page-loading web hosting company can be challenging. I've tried dozens and settled on one that you have likely never heard of.
I just want reliability, security and the ability to get in touch with them if I need something and that has always been the case with this company for all the years I've been with them.
So I've arranged for you to get your domain name and web hosting in one place. (Normally two places with complicated DNS settings.)
I'll take care of the technical side of that and I'll pick up the cost of the hosting and the cost of your domain name for ONE FULL YEAR.
And after the first year, I've arranged a special price of only $30 for the next year!
By the way, this is the same company that hosts all of my sites, including Done For You Blog.

Sleep Well Knowing Your Site is Safer From Hackers With My Secure, Professional Installation and Configuration of WordPress ($145 Value)

WordPress is the easy way to manage your online content. This is the "engine" that makes your blog work.
You'll be able to login to your own private admin area where you can easily add your articles, images, videos... whatever content you want.
While installation can be an automated process, I still prefer to do this manually and add my own settings for added security features that better protects your blog than by the automated process that everyone else does.
This includes setting up your site navigation menus, installation and configuration of all the necessary plugins and modules you'll need to run your site, page and post widgets and more.
There are over two dozen hand-picked, specially selected plugins that I use to make your blog run smoothly and efficiently.
I do all the configuration of each plugin for you. I set it all up for you and handle the technical details that could have you pulling your hair out and wasting your time.

Create & Sell Your Own Online Course With My Easy-To-Use, Drag and Drop Professional Course Builder
($150 Value)

You may want to offer a free or paid course to subscribers to your website, so I'm also including a drag and drop, step by step course builder. It's there when you're ready to offer one and thankfully, it's easy to use.
Just follow the step-by-step setup process to create stunning online course Lessons, Chapters and Modules with the fast-action design power of a professional web developer.
For your students, subscribers and customers, the learning environment is intuitive to use, visually engaging and authoritatively professional — exactly what students now expect in modern online education.
Your students will think you hired a high dollar web-designer to build such a dazzling course for them, but you can take pride in yourself knowing that every lesson was built with your very own keyboard strokes and mouse clicks, even if you've never built an online course before!
There are even tutorial videos built right in to help guide you along as you create your first course.

Earn Extra Money With Your Own Ready-To-Go Recommended Resources Page ($200 Value)

You've probably seen those pages on a blog where the owner posts resources that they recommend. Not only does that allow you to demonstrate your expertise and offer real value to your readers, but it's a great way to bring in affiliate income too!
In its simplest form, it’s just a list of links to things you think your readers will find useful. Those resources could be almost any product or service... just whatever you might want to recommend to someone who enjoys your blog. You can even include links to your own products and services right on your resources page.
Just one problem. Resource pages can be a pain to build and maintain. But I've already done the hard work for you by creating an easy way for you to add your own resources simply by typing in the title, URL (your affiliate link!), and a brief description. The page is already built for you... just add your own resources and you're done. You can add to it any time you like or delete resources you no longer need or recommend. Just another task that you won't be pulling your hair over! AND... I even offer two different versions for you to choose from!

I'll Set Up Your Special Pages, Like the Contact Page, Legal, About and More ($135 Value)

You'll need a few special pages to start with and I'll set those up for you. I'll create your About, Contact, Privacy, Disclaimer and any additional pages (up to 10 others of your choice).
I'll create a custom contact form that your visitors can use to get in touch with you without exposing your email address. Then I'll add these pages to your navigation menus on your blog.

Protect Your Hard Work With Automated Secure Backups to Your Server or Your Amazon Cloud Storage ($225 Value)

This is one of those tasks that every blog owner should perform but rarely does. That's because it's usually a pain and very nerdy.
You have to install a plugin. Then you have to configure it so that it "talks" to your backup source to regularly make a copy of your blog files. Then you have to set up a cloud service where the files will be stored securely.
You can spend a lot of time trying to figure that out, but not with my service. I do all of that for you and I make sure that your blog is backed up weekly on your own server or at a secure account at Amazon. Just one less thing for you to have to worry about.

Get Instant Answers to Your WordPress Questions With My Built-in WordPress Tutorials. Over 80 Videos and a Huge PDF Training Guide.
($240 Value)

My Done For Your Custom Blog package includes the installation of over 80 bite-sized tutorial videos that show you how to use various features of WordPress.
The videos are always updated whenever WordPress issues an update, so you'll always have the most current version to learn from.
The videos are installed in your WordPress Admin area so that you can access them while you're working in the Admin area.
And if you prefer reading over watching videos, I also include a written PDF manual with screenshots that you can learn from instead.
*That's over $3931 of real value, for only $397!
I would have thrown in a kitchen sink too if I thought you needed it. 🙂
But I have included everything you need to get a genuine FAST START with your new blog. When I turn your blog over to you, you can hit the ground running. Just start adding your content and you're ready to go. It really is a FAST START for your new blog-based business.

Here's Everything You Get In This Complete, Ready-To-Go Package:

And I do ALL the work!
I do it all for you. This is a DONE FOR YOU service. You sit back while I do all the technical and creative work to create a professional-looking and ready-to-go blog.
So if you’re ready to get started, and you want your blog up and running in a matter of days at a fraction of what you’d normally pay, let me do it for you.
I only take on a small number of clients at a time to insure you get my full attention until your blog is completed. So act now while I have openings. (If my schedule is full, you'll see a page with a form for a waiting list when you click the order button below.)
Want to See The 7 Designs You Can Choose From?
Click on the demos below to see the full site in a Preview window that shows the sites in Desktop, Tablet and Mobile views. Each demo below includes 5 different blog layouts so be sure to click on the "More Blog Layout Options" link at each demo site. Click on "More Features..." to see the demo course and Recommended Resources pages. Click on the little "x" in the lower right corner to return to this demo list.
[wp_portfolio categories="293,294" other-categories="292" columns="3" show-search="no"]

Order Today and Get 5 Exclusive Bonuses...

Bonus #1 - Fast Start B.L.O.G. Content
($97 Value)
Fast Start B.L.O.G. Content is a collection of 36 sections bundled in four modules…
- Blueprints, which are the guides and reports you need to become a better blogger!
- Lists, which include swipe files and idea sets to make blogging a breeze!
- Outlines and templates, so that you can create content faster and easier!
- Grab Bag, which includes a toolkit of calendars, worksheets and cheat sheets for setting up and monetizing a popular blog!
It’s the ultimate blog content kickstarter library to make all your blog marketing activities easier, faster and more profitable than ever before!

Bonus #2 - Fast Start Aweber Video Tutorials
($47 Value)
You probably know by now that you should build a (email) mailing list for your online business. If you don't know that yet, now you do. But how do you do set up a service to collect email addresses on your website?
First, remember that I create your attractive, eye-catching subscribe forms for you. Then I'll help you hook those up to your autoresponder/email service. All you have to do is create the list you want and I'll do the rest. So which autoresponder/email service should you use?
Aweber is just one of dozens of email services companies, but it's probably the best known. Some people believe that it's one of the easiest to use, but that's relative, isn't it? All technology has a learning curve, and while some are easier than others, it's helpful to have someone show you how to do what you need to do, step by step.
That's where this 19 part video series comes in. You can watch the whole series in about an hour, then just go and set up your first list. It's a complete, step-by-step tutorial with bite-sized videos to learn at your own pace.

Bonus #3 - Fast Start GetResponse Video Tutorials ($47 Value)
GetResponse is another big favorite of bloggers. It costs just a bit less than Aweber to get started, and many new bloggers and online marketers often narrow down their choices between Aweber, GetResponse and MailChimp.
This is a 20 part video series that walks you through the setup and management of your lists with GetResponse. They're also bite-sized and quick to the point so that you can get started quickly on building your list. Like Aweber, or any other autoresponder/email service you choose, I'll do the techy work of getting your subscription forms connected to your service.
$27 Value

Bonus #4 - How To Do Stuff On Your Blog
I could just do all the hard work of creating your blog and hand you the keys and wish you well. But I know you're going to have questions about how to do some things on your blog. My 80+ included WordPress video tutorials will provide the majority of the answers for you, and those are available right in your Admin area.
But you may have questions about things that are not covered in the videos, so I'm including an ever-growing series of posts in a specially created Member's area that covers the questions I get from customers.
I call this my How to Do Stuff on Your Blog and I have screenshots and video screen grabs to walk you through the tasks in question so that you can see exactly what to do.

Bonus #5 - Done For You Blog Resource Directory
I enjoy finding useful tools and resources to help build your online business. Whenever I visit a website, I always check to see if they have resource section with their recommendations. It's amazing what I find in my journeys around the Internet, and I have a huge collection of categorized resources I can draw from.
I share a lot of these on my own blog, but for Members, I've narrowed it down to some of my most favorite resources, with an emphasis on listing as many free ones as I can.
I've got the resources sorted in over a dozen main categories to make it easy to find what you need when you need it.

Got questions? See my FAQ section below, or better yet, send me a quick email to this address:

Dairrell Ham - Done For You Blog Owner
Frequently Asked Questions:
Yes I can, once your domain name is purchased and your website hosting is set up. That can happen quickly and the only other thing I'll need from you is some information about your business idea so that I can design a logo and create a design that will suit your new blog. I have an easy form to fill out that asks you a few questions and then we're on our way!
As the one-year expiration date approaches, you'll receive emails from my hosting company to alert you that you need to renew. My hosting company already offers low hosting fees, but you'll be offered a discount rate to continue hosting and keep your domain name with them.
Yes. Even though I'm taking care of the fees for your domain name and hosting, you will own your own domain name, not me.
A traditional website is usually geared towards a company with pages about their products and services. Generally, those pages don't change much. A blog is more dynamic, focused on a specific topic, with posts that can be written on a daily, hourly, or weekly basis, whatever you decide. I have blogs that I visit that post dozens of times a day and others that only post once a week.
Sure. WordPress is simply a content management system (CMS) that allows you to easily add content that others can read, watch or listen to. At its very basic, you can add a headline and type or paste in an article, click the update button and your content is viewable by anyone visiting your blog.
You can also add images, videos, audios, slideshows and more to make your content more interesting. WordPress powers the majority of all blogs online, and it has a huge community of people that support it with tutorials, plugins, themes and other resources.
As I mentioned above, I'm including about 80 WordPress Tutorial Videos and a written PDF Manual to help you to learn more about WordPress. These are bite-sized videos that only take a few minutes of your time on specific areas of WordPress. So you learn at your own pace and on a need-to-know-when-you-want-to-know basis. The videos and manual are always updated for you at no extra cost, so you'll always have the most recent tutorials at your fingertips.
Any good blog building business will do their best to offer you great service and support, just as I do. So it really comes down to style and features. I do my very best to over-deliver so that you're pleasantly surprised with all that you receive. I also spend a great deal of time on details, like adding extra custom styling to my themes and to your custom design. I'm really picky about tiny things, like font spacing, margins, readability and matching colors. Those things are more time consuming for me, but are the things that gives my final product that great eye-appeal for your blog visitors.
Not for the first year. I take care of the cost of getting your domain name registered and connected to your blog hosting. That gives you time to build your blog and generate revenue. Once the year is up, you'll be offered a low-price hosting/domain name package that costs less than $5/mo.
Your new blog will be hosted with the same company that has serviced all of my sites for years. It's a smaller hosting company with a focus on great service and security. You'll likely never need to contact them, but if you do, you can email or call them and they respond quickly. They get my highest recommendation and I know you'll be happy with their service.
Yes. The domain name that you choose will be registered in your name and your email address. You will have total control over that. You'll be provided access to manage your hosting account and your domain. When the first year is up, you'll be notified by the hosting company to change the hosting to your name to continue with your blog. That will be a discounted fee as a courtesy from my hosting company of choice.
Once I receive your order, a build process gets started:
Right after your order is completed, you'll be taken to a page that has the three steps you'll need to follow to get your blog package started. I've kept the process as simple as possible and I'll guide you through each step. You'll also receive an email with these three steps and a link to this page in case you want to start these steps later. Here's the three steps:
- Choose your domain name and setup your hosting. The cost for this is already taken care of in your package. This is where you will choose your domain name for your business. (You'll receive an email with those instructions.) We'll handle the technical stuff of getting your domain pointed to our hosting and setting up your hosting system. That's all done for you.
- Go to the Blog Setup Form. You'll be sent to a page with a form that asks you some questions. You don't need to fill out that form immediately if you want to think about some of the questions. I'll be sending you an email with a link to that page anyway, so you can go there and fill that out at your convenience. That form will help me with the design, colors, logos and a few other bits of info I'll need from you. If you know what you want right away, I'll get started on creating your new blog right away.
- Register for my Customer Portal. You'll find lots of resources to help you manage and grow your blog. This is where you'll find the Done For You Blog C.O.N.T.E.N.T course, the Aweber and GetResponse video Tutorials, step-by-step Tutorials, and the free Resources directory.
Once I have all of your information in place, I'll get to work on your blog right away and can normally have it ready for you in as little as 3 days, provided you have given me all of the info I need to do that.
You will be able to make some changes in the fonts, colors and other items. You can make changes to the style of the font, the size of the fonts of headlines and body content, link colors, etc. But I do a lot of custom styling in the code that may be outside of your skills to give your site that unique style that won't look like other sites. Besides, you're hiring me to do the work for you so I'm guessing you don't want to do a too much changing. 🙂
Absolutely. I've included about 20 videos on how to use the page builder on your site. Those are bite-sized videos like the other WordPress videos so that you can quickly learn specific tasks/skills when using the page builder.
You may already have an idea or topic that you want your blog to be about, but blogging itself may be new to you. I've taken care of the hard part of getting your blog built and off the ground, and now it's up to you to add the content for your visitors and get your blog off the ground.
I'll help you with that too by providing very high-quality materials and resources to guide you along the way. My Fast Start B.L.O.G Content course is a 36 module package, loaded with headline starters, content ideas, checklists, blueprints and much more. I also have a bunch of step-by-step guides called Done For You Blog How-To to show you how to do specific tasks on your blog. My Aweber and GetResponse tutorial videos will show you how to setup a mailing list that you can profit from as well. Plus, I have links to all kinds of free resources like free image sites, graphics, videos and more in my Fast Start Resource Directory. It's everything you need to launch and grow a successful blog.
Once the order is placed and paid for, I have costs that go into immediate effect with hosting and other obligations. For that reason, I do not offer refunds once the order has been placed. I do however, work extremely hard to ensure that you get the absolute best value and my dedicated support to creating a beautifully branded, professional blog.