Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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Would you like to get more people to visit your website? How can search engine optimization (SEO) help you do this?

Most of us are aware of the capabilities of SEO to some extent. But it is a challenging and daunting field to enter, so we thought we would supply you with some basics and tips to get your website popping!

In this episode we look at the rise and development in search engine optimization as a methodology and skillset and talk about how to go about optimizing your website from the very first steps to the more advanced ones.

Today on the show we are joined by Matt Giovansci, an old friend and collaborator who we have hosted before on the podcast. Matt runs a number of websites and businesses and has spent the better part of the last two decades perfecting the game of SEO.

We also talk about research, content creation, the evolution of Google and when search engine optimization is necessary and when it is not. Matt gives us great insights from personal experience and his learning to help you on your way

So for all this and much more be sure to tune in!

Read the whole thing here.

Done For You Blog Says: SEO is NOT one of my favorite things to do. I’m more of a creative and honestly, search engine stuff bores me. This podcast helps make SEO more understandable and takes some of the mystery out of what search engines want with some basic tips to get your website noticed.