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Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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“So much of the internet is video. You can barely use a search engine without some part of the results being video. News articles are short on written copy and heavy on embedded video. And if you’re scrolling around any social media platform, your feed is likely saturated with video clips and snippets from TV shows or movies. Or cat videos…because cat videos.

The point is that if you want to get noticed on the interwebs, video is your best bet. Not even considering production value and the technical aspects of video creation, probably the biggest decision you can make is where your video is going to live. In that regard, you only have two real choices. Your decision will come down to YouTube vs Vimeo, the two largest video only communities on the web.”

Read the whole thing here.

Dairrell Says: I don’t do a lot of video, but I do have a YouTube account and I’ve posted mostly family videos I’ve done, like weddings and special events. They do make it pretty darn easy and everyone in the world knows the YouTube brand. Vimeo on the other hand is ad-free, so that’s something to consider as well. Read the whole article though to help you decide.