Done For You Blog

Resources to Help Build Your Online Business Faster, Smarter

Posted by Dairrell Ham | 
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“What is a Mini Membership Site?

Think of a mini membership site as simply an area of your website that is password protected for specific content. It doesn’t take over your whole site. It doesn’t require that you change your theme or anything else. When I’m talking to people about it, I liken it to turning a room in your house into a workout room rather than signing up for a gym membership.

Why is it useful?

So if we know what it is, the more logical question is, “what is it for?” And the answer to that comes during this crazy time when you want to repurpose your previous video material to be helpful to people. I was working with a client who wanted to take video, put it on a page, and make it available to people who registered. Think about that. We’re talking about a page with video, and a page with a registration form on it. Two pages of the whole site. That’s really “mini” when we’re talking membership sites.

What plugins helped me build this mini membership site?

To put this together, I used two plugins.”

Read the whole thing here.
Done For You Blog Says: I’m a big fan of Chris Lema. He has a “friendly” way of writing, like he’s your best friend patiently explaining how to do something. He offers a lot of useful, free guides and tutorials that take a lot of time to write. The headline of this article doesn’t mention that he uses two free pieces of software to make this happen. One of them is WPForms, my own favorite WordPress plugin for building forms. Easiest form plugin I’ve ever used, by far.
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