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All posts tagged: Writing Tips

How to Get First-Time Visitors Interested in Your Blog

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“Last week we talked about to getting the word out about your blog so people will visit. This week I want to talk about the next stage of warming them up and turning them into…Continue Reading →

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10 Email Marketing Best Practices To Maximize Your ROI In 2020

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“If you’ve been growing your email list for your online business, you know how effective email marketing can be. Now you’re probably asking: how can I continue to be effective with my email marketing? To…Continue Reading →

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103 Blog Post Ideas That Your Readers Will LOVE

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“Having a hard time coming up with great blog post ideas? Constantly thinking of new blog post topics can be a daunting task. That’s why we have compiled a list of 103 original blog post…Continue Reading →

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60 Blog Post Ideas to Fill Your Content Calendar (Updated)

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“Having a hard time coming up with new blog post ideas to feed your content calendar? You sit down and are all ready to write but then 45 minutes has passed, you’re still staring at…Continue Reading →

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How to Update Your Blog Content to Keep It Relevant

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“You can write the most amazing blog post today and have it become irrelevant tomorrow. If you don’t take the time to update your blog content occasionally, by the time most people find it, it…Continue Reading →

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How to Maintain a Conversational Style As a Blogger While Maintaining a Professional Tone

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“I told my freshman composition and developmental writing students for nearly a decade that the whole point of writing is to communicate an idea. If your readers can’t understand what you’re talking about, it doesn’t…Continue Reading →

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What to Blog About: A Straight-Forward Guide for Content Creators

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“The hardest part about being a content creator isn’t creating the content. It’s coming up with the topics you’re creating the content about. If you’re putting out daily content (or even weekly), you can feel…Continue Reading →

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How To Format Your Blog Posts So People Are Actually Reading

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“In content marketing, your blog post format plays a critical role. You can write the highest-quality piece of content in your niche and industry, but if your formatting is off and hard to navigate, you’ll…Continue Reading →

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Little-Known Ways to Write Fascinating Bullet Points

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“Oh, those magical bullet points. What would blog posts, sales letters, and bad PowerPoint presentations be without them? Bullet points are so common because readers like them. But typical bullet points are kinda lame ……Continue Reading →

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The Most Overlooked Piece of Real Estate on Your Blog

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There is a place on your website that you’re probably neglecting. It’s the same place new visitors flock to every day to see if what you have to say is worth listening to. And many…Continue Reading →

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