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The Ultimate Beginners Guide to SEO [Video]

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“Understanding these FOUR SEO components if you’re a beginner is KEY to learning how to start doing SEO on your website. This video walks you through each and shows you EXACTLY how to get started….Continue Reading →

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Readability Score: What It Is, Why It’s Important, & How to Get a Good One on Every Post

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“In general, it’s how easy to read your content is. Sounds obvious, right? But because people read at different levels, what a Master’s student considers readable is different than what a freshman in high school does….Continue Reading →

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How To Add Breadcrumbs To Your WordPress Website

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“The term ‘breadcrumbs’ refers to an efficient website navigational tool that (Like Hansel and Gretel taught us) is meant to help trace one’s steps back to a website’s “home” (or homepage). They allow users to…Continue Reading →

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15 Tips for Using Google Search Console to Effectively Grow Your Website Traffic

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“Google Search Console is a powerful free tool created by Google to help website owners understand how Google sees their website. Unfortunately, most businesses don’t know how to effectively use the full power of Google…Continue Reading →

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How to Check If Your WordPress Blog Posts Are Ranking for the Right Keywords

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“Do you want to check if your WordPress posts are ranking for the right keywords? Most beginners manually check rankings for their articles by typing keywords in Google. This does not give you an accurate…Continue Reading →

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5 Seo Tactics That No Longer Work And That You Need To Retire

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“The field of search engine optimization has gone through so many changes and keeps evolving so fast that it’s hard to keep track. As a consequence, things that used to net you a good chance…Continue Reading →

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SEO Isn’t Complicated – Here’s How To Get Started

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Would you like to get more people to visit your website? How can search engine optimization (SEO) help you do this? Most of us are aware of the capabilities of SEO to some extent. But…Continue Reading →

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Internal Link Building: Why You Need To Do It and How to Get Started

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“External links and backlinks are an important part of every website’s SEO strategy. They send signals to both search engines and visitors about the quality of content on your site. They also serve as proof…Continue Reading →

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