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Forget Waking Up Early, Night Owls Have Better Super Powers

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“Waking up early is killing your productivity, creativity and social life. And for what? Developers don’t reach peak productivity until 2pm. No wonder this post on waking up early was so controversial. Circadian neurologist Russel…Continue Reading →

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Get Your Focus Back!

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“As of this writing, I’ve been honored to speak one-on-one with over 3500 of our members. It’s been fun to help real people achieve their goals. During these calls, members have been free to ask…Continue Reading →

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Four Realities of Blogging Every Blogger Should Know About

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“Does it look like other bloggers achieve success really easily? Maybe they’re content machines, pumping out great post after great post. Perhaps they’ve just launched yet another course, or have an amazingly swish new design…Continue Reading →

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Entrepreneurs And Mental Health – We Need To Talk

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Do you struggle with self-doubt and depression? How does your work and ambition influence your mental state? As entrepreneurs we are constantly struggling within ourselves – it is part of the calling. With what feels…Continue Reading →

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How to Finish What You Start

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“Sometimes, you’ll start a project you’re passionate about, only to drop it halfway through. It’s always sad, but it happens to a lot of people, and it’s often due to compelling reasons. However, in other…Continue Reading →

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How to Set SMART Goals (With 5 Examples)

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“When setting personal goals, specificity is king. For example, just challenging yourself to “do more work” is way too vague, as you’ve got no way of tracking your progress, and no endpoint. Simply put, if…Continue Reading →

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The 3 Habits That Grew His Business to 428,000 Email Subscribers

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“We cannot really have a conversation about successful business owners and entrepreneurs without discussing the importance of habits and the systems that allow them to build their dreams. But what is formula to implementing this?…Continue Reading →

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Do You Work from Home? Make Sure You Do This.

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“A growing portion of the people that read this site work from home because they want to build their own business, be closer to family, or just explore a new and modern career path on…Continue Reading →

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